Showing 59 Result(s)

You Must Answer Three Important Questions to Raise Capital

When you’re trying to raise capital from investors, you’ll need to address and answer three important questions in your business plan.

How much capital is necessary?
Never resort to tossing out a random figure. Instead, your business plan should specify precise, realistic dollar amounts. Plan ahead for altering your business operations if necessary, depending on how much funding you actually raise. A lot of potential investors will want to know your plans if you receive less capital than you’re requesting. …

How Long Should Your Business Plan Be?

One absolute necessity if you’re trying to raise capital for your business is a well written business plan. One thing that a lot of entrepreneurs ask is how long their business plan should be. While there are no hard and fast rules about this, a business plan should be no longer than it has to be to get prospective investors interested. At the same time, it also needs to be no shorter than it needs to be to lay out …

Growing Your Business Through The Economic Crisis

The economic crisis around the world in recent years has hit many businesses hard, and a surprising number of companies have gone out of business or bankrupt due to an inability to cope with the economic strain placed on their company. Entrepreneurs around the world, however, have managed to find a way to reach success despite the difficult economic situations, and they used a number of techniques to help their businesses grow through the economic crises they faced.

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How to Grab an Investor’s Attention Quickly

You will need much more than just a business plan if you are looking to raise capital. You will have seconds to “hook” investors! Which begs the question of how?

The executive summary will be the first section of your business plan.
There is one thing you want to accomplish with your executive summary: Send potential investors diving into the rest of the plan!

To achieve this there are three things you must do:

1. Describe what the company does…

How to Create a Persuasive Business Plan

A solid business plan takes more than a great idea; it needs solid data to convince investors. This may not be what you want to hear as a creative entrepreneur. However, as a businessperson, you should also have the ability to do the research you need to back up your ideas and show investors that yours is a business which is well worth backing.

Click here to learn how to write great business plan!

There are three major points which …

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