Showing 25 Result(s)

Games company raised over $150,000 in less than a day!

In an attempt to revive the famous eighties game ‘Larry Quest’ or ‘Leisure Suit Larry’ an Israeli game company called Adventure Mob managed to raise more than $150,000 in a single day and are now aiming to raise at least $500,000 in just a month. In order to do this they went about gathering the money in a different way than you may be used to. After trying without much success to raise funding from venture capitalist, angel investors and …

The Top Four Reasons Angel Investors Invest

Angel investing, or any other type of investing early in the life of a business, can be quite risky. Often, angel investors don’t receive a return on their investment. Why would an angel investor take that chance? Here are four reasons why:

Excellent Return on Investments
The downside of angel investing, as with options (though options are quite different), is limited to the amount of money initially invested. The upside, though, is an unlimited return on the investor’s funds if …

Business plan tips: Documenting Your Company’s Exit Strategy

Your exit strategy motivates your investors. Each investor wants to know how they can cash out of your company and obtain a suitable return on their investment. In short, they want to know your roadmap for getting them from Point A (funding your company) to Point B (cashing out).
Click here to learn how to write great business plan!
The future is always hard to predict, so you might not currently know the answer. However, all investors worth their salt …

Creating Your Venture Capital Elevator Pitch

You might think elevator pitches are cliche ⌐ and without real substance, but successful entrepreneurs and venture capitalists frequently talk about the importance of these short “presentations”. As an entrepreneur, you need to have the ability to quickly and concisely describe your business and why it will succeed. Learn your elevator pitch, practice it repeatedly, and keep it shorter than two minutes. The opportunity to deliver it could arise on a moment’s notice. A tremendous number of business deals are …

Attracting Angel Investors

If you’re starting or expanding your company, angel investment may be perfect for you. Angel investors are often successful business people and experienced investors, and they can do more than provide funding. They can also provide valuable assistance with starting or expanding your company.

If you want angel investors, you need to know how to attract them. You must know what they are looking for and how they decide on where to invest their funds. Angel investors have four primary …

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